Green India Mission 2030

The Mission

A Vision for a Greener Tomorrow

The Green India Mission 2030 by We Grow Forest Foundation is not just a tree-planting initiative; it is a profound call to action, a journey toward healing our planet, and a promise to future generations. Our mission is to plant 10 million trees by 2030 to restore our planet’s lost biodiversity and build resilient ecosystems that support life in all its forms. This mission is our pledge to restore Earth’s natural balance and to protect our communities from the increasing threats of climate change, zoonotic diseases, and pandemics.

We believe that by restoring ecosystems, we restore hope. Our efforts are aimed at regenerating nature’s buffers, providing sanctuary to countless species, and nurturing a harmonious environment where humans and wildlife can thrive together. Join us in this mission of a lifetime, as we commit to reviving our planet, one tree at a time.

Why Green India Mission 2030?

Because Planet Earth Needs Healing

Our planet is in crisis. Deforestation, habitat loss, climate change, and pollution are stripping away Earth’s natural defences, leaving us vulnerable to climate disasters and disease outbreaks. The Green India Mission 2030 is a response to this urgent call for action. We are determined to breathe life back into degraded lands, to weave a green fabric that stretches across India, providing a safe haven for both humans and wildlife.

By planting 10 million trees, we aim to

Restore Ecosystems

Trees are fundamental to restoring degraded ecosystems. By reintroducing native species, we help rebuild complex habitats that support diverse plant and animal life, ensuring the recovery of balanced and resilient ecosystems.

Combat Climate Change

Trees act as natural carbon sinks, absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere and helping to mitigate the effects of climate change. Each tree planted contributes to reducing our carbon footprint and helps combat global warming.

Enhance Biodiversity

By creating new forests and expanding existing ones, we provide habitats for a variety of wildlife. This fosters biodiversity, allowing different species to thrive and ensuring the preservation of ecological balance.

Prevent Soil Erosion

Tree roots help stabilize the soil, reducing erosion and preventing landslides. This is crucial in maintaining soil health, protecting water sources, and preventing the degradation of agricultural land.

Improve Air Quality

Trees filter pollutants from the air, including particulate matter and harmful gases like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. This leads to cleaner, healthier air, benefiting both people and wildlife.

Boost Water Resources

Trees play a vital role in the water cycle by increasing groundwater recharge and reducing surface runoff. This helps maintain clean water sources and supports hydrological balance.

Provide Economic Opportunities

Reforestation and afforestation projects can create jobs and stimulate local economies. By supporting sustainable forestry practices, we can provide livelihoods for communities while fostering environmental stewardship.

Enhance Human Well-being

Green spaces and forests have been shown to improve mental and physical health. By planting trees, we create environments that promote relaxation, recreation, and overall well-being for people of all ages.

Increase Resilience to Natural Disasters

Healthy forests act as natural buffers against natural disasters such as floods, hurricanes, and droughts. They help mitigate the impacts of these events by stabilizing ecosystems and reducing vulnerability.

Promote Climate Adaptation

By restoring diverse ecosystems, we help communities adapt to the changing climate. Trees provide shade, reduce heat islands, and support agricultural resilience, making environments more adaptable to climate fluctuations.

Each of these goals embodies a comprehensive approach to environmental stewardship, highlighting that our mission extends far beyond merely planting trees. It underscores the profound impact our actions have on both ecological and human systems. We hold a deep belief in nature’s inherent ability to heal and rejuvenate, and we are dedicated to being the catalysts that facilitate this vital process. Through our efforts, we aim to restore balance, foster resilience, and ignite a transformative change that benefits both the environment and the communities we serve.

The Relevance

The urgency of the Green India Mission 2030 cannot be overstated. Our planet stands at a critical juncture, facing unprecedented environmental crises that threaten the very fabric of life. Climate change, deforestation, and biodiversity loss are no longer distant concerns—they are pressing realities that affect every corner of our world. The call to action has never been louder or more urgent. We find ourselves in a moment where immediate, decisive action is required to secure the future of our planet. The time to act is now, as the consequences of inaction are dire and far-reaching. By planting 10 million trees, we are not just addressing these urgent challenges; we are creating a beacon of hope and resilience in the face of adversity.

Why Now?

Because Every Moment Counts for Our Planet's Future

Green India Mission 2030 stands at the intersection of hope and action, representing a crucial moment in our fight to heal the Earth. We are not merely planting trees; we are sowing the seeds of transformative change, resilience, and sustainability. As environmental crises intensify, the urgency to act has never been more palpable. Our planet’s ecosystems are in distress, and the time for meaningful intervention is now. We Grow Forest Foundation, with its rich legacy of nurturing life through nature, is uniquely positioned to lead this charge. Having already planted over 200,000 trees in Kerala, we have witnessed firsthand the profound impact that dedicated reforestation efforts can have. Now, we are poised to expand our reach and amplify our impact on a grander scale. The Green India Mission 2030 is not just an initiative; it is a clarion call for a collective response to the pressing challenges of our time. It is a declaration of our commitment to creating a greener, more sustainable future, and a testament to the belief that, together, we can turn the tide and build a legacy of hope and renewal for generations to come.

Why us?

Because We Believe in Action.

Why us? Because we embody the spirit of action and unwavering commitment to real, tangible results. At We Grow Forest Foundation, our belief in the power of collective effort and our deep love for nature drive us to turn the tide of environmental decline. We are not content with mere promises or empty words; we are dedicated to rolling up our sleeves and making a tangible difference. Our mission is fueled by the conviction that together, we can confront the challenges facing our planet with resolve and passion. The time to act is now, and the place to act is here, in our communities and on our lands. With your support, we can transform dreams into reality and turn the impossible into possible. We are on the brink of creating a legacy of hope and renewal, and with each step forward, we bring our vision of a greener, healthier world closer to fruition.

How We Will Achieve This Mission?

Planting at the Indian Navy Facility

Our path to achieving the Green India Mission 2030 is profoundly rooted in a vision of transformation and dedication, exemplified by our decision to plant 10 million trees at the Indian Navy facility INS Kattabomman. This location, once a symbol of military precision and resilience, will now stand as a beacon of environmental restoration and hope. By choosing this site, we are not only rehabilitating barren land but also honouring the nation’s commitment to sustainability and national pride. This endeavour is not just about planting trees; it is a powerful statement of unity and purpose, representing our collective dedication to the well-being of our country and our planet. The Indian Navy facility provides an ideal canvas for this monumental task, offering a substantial area where our vision can take root and flourish. With each tree planted, we are reinforcing our bond with the land, revitalizing ecosystems, and creating a lasting legacy of green for future generations. This mission is an act of patriotism and environmental stewardship, demonstrating that our efforts extend beyond individual goals to embrace a national cause. We are planting for the nation, planting for the future, and planting with the conviction that every tree we nurture will contribute to a healthier, more vibrant India, and a more resilient planet.

Planting 10 million trees is not just about numbers

it’s about creating a living, breathing network of forests that thrive across diverse landscapes. Our approach is strategic, inclusive, and community-driven:

Collaboration with the Indian Navy

We have partnered with the Indian Navy facility, INS Kattabomman, to convert 3,000 acres of dry land into a thriving green ecosystem. This collaboration symbolizes national pride and environmental stewardship, allowing us to transform a significant area into a lush habitat.

Site Assessment and Planning

Conducting detailed ecological assessments to understand soil health, water availability, and local biodiversity. This helps in selecting the right tree species that are native, drought-resistant, and beneficial for the local ecosystem, ensuring their survival and growth.

Planting Diverse Native Species

We focus on planting a diverse range of native tree species that support local wildlife, prevent soil erosion, and improve soil fertility. Diversity ensures a resilient ecosystem capable of withstanding climate fluctuations and promoting a balanced environment.

Water Management & Irrigation

Implementing sustainable water management practices such as rainwater harvesting, drip irrigation, and creating artificial water bodies. This will ensure a consistent water supply, particularly in dry regions, to support the newly planted trees and other flora.

Creating Micro-Habitats

Establishing various micro-habitats, including artificial ponds, wetland areas, and natural shelters, to support not just trees but a wide range of wildlife. This creates a balanced and self-sustaining ecosystem, inviting birds, insects, and other species to thrive.

Educational & Awareness Programs

Launching educational programs for Indian Navy personnel and their families to raise awareness about biodiversity, tree planting, and environmental conservation. By equipping them with essential knowledge, we empower them to take proactive steps, ensuring the long-term success and sustainability to transform the landscape and protect natural resources.

Carbon Sequestration and Climate Impact Assessment

Measuring the carbon sequestration potential of the trees planted to quantify their impact on reducing greenhouse gases. This will help demonstrate the contribution of the mission to mitigating climate change and strengthening environmental resilience.

Long-Term Protection and Legal Safeguards

Establishing long-term protection measures, such as fencing, surveillance, and legal frameworks, to protect the planted areas from encroachment, deforestation, and illegal activities. This ensures that the newly created ecosystems are preserved for generations to come.

Your Role in Our Journey

The Green India Mission 2030 is a mission for everyone. We cannot do it alone; we need you. Your support—whether as a donor, volunteer, partner, or advocate—is the lifeblood of this mission.


Every contribution plants a tree and nurtures a life. Your donations help us provide saplings, watering systems, soil improvement, and protection for these new forests.

Spread the Word

Advocacy is power. Talk about the Green India Mission 2030 in your communities, on social media, and in your networks. Let’s make this movement unstoppable.


If you represent an organization, school, or business, partner with us. Together, we can amplify our impact and build a greener future.


Join our mission on the ground. Help us plant, monitor, and care for the forests. Experience firsthand the joy of giving back to the Earth.

Together, we can make India a beacon of green hope for the world. Let’s unite for a future where the Earth thrives, and humanity flourishes.

Join the Green India Mission 2030

Be a part of the solution. Be a part of the future.
