
Welcome to We Grow Forest Foundation

Dear Friend,

If you are reading this, you have already taken the first step towards something bigger than yourself; a purpose that goes beyond personal gain, beyond recognition, beyond the fleeting applause of the world. Here, we do not chase headlines, nor do we seek validation. We work. We plant. We restore. We heal. And if you are someone who believes in silent revolutions, in toiling without expectation, in creating a world where nature thrives once again; then you are home.

To Our Volunteers

To those who show up in the heat, in the rain, in the quiet hours when no one is watching; your dedication is not unseen. Every tree planted, every sapling nurtured, every beach cleaned, every lesson taught is a testament to your love for this planet. The world may not always appreciate the hands that heal it, but we do.

To Our Students and Interns

If you have come here to learn; not just from books but from the soil itself; this is not just an organization. It is a legacy. You are stepping into a mission started by those who believed that forests are more than trees, rivers are more than water, air is more than just breath. You are the future, the next guardians of this Earth, and your journey begins here.

To Our Leaders and Team Members

To those who stand unwavering in the face of challenges, this mission would be impossible without you. We have walked through fire, faced roadblocks, encountered skepticism, and yet, we have never turned back. Because the truth is, this work is not easy. Fighting for something greater than yourself never is.

To Our Supporters and Partners

If you support us by purchasing our products and services, know that you are making a difference far beyond a transaction. Every tree you plant, every book you publish, every website you build through us, and every Saree Bag you purchase contributes directly to environmental restoration.

Unlike many NGOs, we do not beg for donations; we sell our expertise, our skills, and our services, ensuring that every rupee goes directly into sustaining our mission. When you choose to work with us, you are not just investing in a product; you are investing in a cause that will outlive us all.

"The greatest revolutions often begin in the shadows, far from the spotlight. And though history may not remember their names, it will carry their legacy in every river that flows clean, every tree that stands tall, and every child who breathes air free of poison."

We believe in this with every fiber of our being. The world may dismiss us, overlook us, and even question our existence; but let them. Because long after the noise fades, the trees we plant today will stand as silent witnesses to the truth. The beaches we clean will welcome the waves again. The air we fight to purify will be breathed by generations yet unborn.

And you, by being here, are already a part of it.

So, we welcome you; not with grand speeches, not with empty words, but with a shared commitment. A commitment to work tirelessly, to fight for what is right, to restore what has been lost, and to never give up on this planet, no matter how heavy the burden may seem.

This is your home. This is your family. This is We Grow Forest Foundation.

With unwavering faith and gratitude,

Dr. Meera Asmi
Chairwoman, We Grow Forest Foundation

Dr. Merin Jacob
Managing Trustee, We Grow Forest Foundation
